Cheap Coverage is serious about protecting your online privacy. This Privacy Statement explains our views and practices concerning privacy, and how they may pertain to you as a user of our system.
“You” or “Your” means you as a participant in or as a user of Cheap Coverage. “We” or “Our” or “Us” means Cheap Coverage. “Our site” means Cheap Coverage.com.
Section 1.‚ Collected Information
We automatically collect and/or track the following:
web page http headers (home server domain names, IP address, type of client computer, and type of Web browser);
information knowingly provided by you through on-line forms, registration forms, surveys, and or other entries, such as email addresses, personal, financial or demographic information;
information, user specific or aggregate, on what pages our visitors access and
the e-mail addresses of visitors that communicate with Cheap Coverage via e-mail.
Section 2.‚ Use of Data Collected
We use your personal, demographic and profile data to enhance your experience at our site, enabling us to present content we think you might be interested in. We use your contact information to send you information about our company and promotional material from our partners. We may also use your personal, demographic and profile data to improve our site, for marketing and promotional purposes, for statistical analysis, and for editorial or feedback purposes for our advertisers. Information collected by us may be added to our databases and used for future e-mails or postal mailings regarding site updates, new products and services, upcoming events, and/or status of orders placed online.
Section 3.‚ Disclosure of Data to Third Parties
We will only disclose to third parties information knowingly and voluntarily disclosed by you, or aggregate demographic and profile data. We reserve the right to share, rent, sell, or otherwise disclose data we collect to third parties. Any third party we share, rent, sell, or otherwise disclose data to will be carefully prescreened by us, determined by us to be reputable, and will use the personal data for marketing products and services which we determine, in our sole judgment, that you might find of interest.
This site contains links to other sites and we are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such sites.
We may use third-party advertising companies to serve ads on our behalf. These companies may employ cookies and action tags (also known as single pixel gifs or web beacons) to measure advertising effectiveness. Any information that these third parties collect via cookies and action tags is completely anonymous. If you would like more information about this practice and your choices,‚ click here.
Section 4.‚ Your Opt-Out Rights
You may opt-out of receiving communications from us and or our partners when we acquire your information. We also allow you to unsubscribe from our database. If you unsubscribe from our database, your information will no longer be used by us for secondary purposes, disclosed to third parties, or used by us or third parties to send promotional correspondences to you. You can unsubscribe by writing to us via postal mail at the address below or by completing this‚ unsubscribe form.
Section 5.‚ Your Rights To Your Personal Data
Upon request via postal mail or e-mail, we will provide you a summary of personal information retained by us. We will only send your personal records to your e-mail address or postal address we have on file for you. You may modify, correct, change, or update your personal record or remove your personal record from our database by contacting Cheap Coverage via postal mail at the address below, or via the‚ customer inquiry form.
Section 6.‚ We Do Not Intend To Collect Data From Children
The information and services provided us or our affiliates, sponsors, and advertisers are not intended to be viewed by children (under 18 years old). No information collected from children is knowingly used for any marketing or promotional purposes whatsoever, either inside or outside Cheap Coverage.
Section 7.‚ Our Right To Contact You
We reserve the right to contact you regarding your account status and changes to subscriber agreements, privacy policy, or any other policies or agreements relevant to you.
Section 8.‚ Our Right To Change
We reserve the right to change this policy at any time by notifying you of the existence and location of the new or revised privacy policy or by posting the changes online at our site.
If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this website, you can contact us online using our‚ contact form‚ or write to:
Cheap Coverage
900 Biscayne Blvd.
Miami, Fl 33132
Under the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”), California residents have the right to access, delete, and opt-out from the sale of their Personal Information.
To file your CCPA request, please email victor.vallo@mobilepushers.com or call us at 708-296-0256.
On receipt of your request, we may request additional information if we are unable to verify your identity based on comparing the information you submit with information we retain in our files, or if we believe additional information is needed to verify your identity.
If you request to receive the specific pieces of Personal Information in our files about you, we will send you and require you to return a signed declaration, under penalty of perjury, verifying your identity and request.
If you file a request to access or delete your Personal Information, we have 45 days to respond to your request.
We may also inform you that we need up to 45 additional days to respond and the reason we need additional time.
If you opt-out of the sale of your Personal Information, we have 15 days to process your opt-out request.
If you are an authorized agent of a requesting consumer, you must provide a written authorization from the consumer or a copy of a lawful power of attorney that permits you to submit the request on the consumer’s behalf.
You may provide that written authorization to us via email at victor.vallo@mobilepushers.com after submitting the request.
We may contact you or the consumer on whose behalf you claim to act to verify your authorization.
Additional information about how we collect, use, and disclose Personal Information, and methods by which you may contact us with questions, can be found in our Privacy Policy.
You may find the answer you are looking for faster by reviewing the Privacy Policy than by submitting a request and waiting for our response.
Effective as of February 12, 2011
Updated on April 1, 2024